Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ahhh, Sunday morning...

I think that Sunday morning may be my most favorite morning of the week. Monday thru Friday mornings are, of course, packed full of activities. Getting everyone off to school, cleaning up and running errands keeps me on the move. Saturday mornings are often packed with marching band, Stage Door rehearsals and other activities that get me up at an ungodly weekend hour.

But Sunday morning is always slow and relaxing. I sleep until I'm ready to get up, make coffee, search the sale papers for bargains and listen to the news shows that Mark watches. The kids straggle out of bed at various times, the comics get read, the paper dissected. Best of all everyone is home. We're all together. That's the best.

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About Me

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I am wife to Mark and mother to three teenage children. That puts me right in the middle of a teenage wasteland. Someone help me now!