Monday, November 3, 2008

Martha, Martha, Martha!!!

I tape Martha Stewart everyday. Yes, every single day. I love her style and I wish I could be her. I have been counting down the days till her Halloween show. Every year she dresses up as something cool, and the whole show is centered around that theme.

I finally found the time to watch this year's special this morning. Ughhh, I hate this woman. She is so perfect. She was costumed as Medusa, complete with her own mausoleum and people done up as stone statues. I had trouble just getting pumpkins carved this year. I guess if I had a whole team of people at my disposal I could pull off something like that.

Anyhow, Blake Lively of Gossip Girl and more importantly The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants showed up as Cleopatra and together her and Martha made a fantastic pumpkin cake. Martha also toured the My M&M's factory. All hail the queen of all things domestic!

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I am wife to Mark and mother to three teenage children. That puts me right in the middle of a teenage wasteland. Someone help me now!