Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Senior Project

I have a Senior in my house. Not the kind of Senior that tends to need a walker, the kind that will graduate in June. We are also lucky enough to have said Seniors birthday the day before she graduates. Pretty big deal, huh?

So I've already begun planning events and trying to figure out where we might put out of town visitors for the big day. I have a huge list of to-do's to get the house ready for what should be a huge Miller bash. Most importantly I'm trying to put together the scrapbooks. Lovely books to put out for people to peruse while they celebrate. Moments in the life of the graduate, things to laugh over, special moments, memories to share. A chance for people to see how she's grown and most importantly a chance to for people to see all those pages, right?

Now, I know some of you are really on top of things and have been putting together scrapbooks for your children in chronological order from the day they were born. You have books labeled by child and by year. I applaud you. I salute you. I am in awe of you. My style is more driven by whatever picture I happen to want to scrapbook at the time. Baby pictures one day, soccer games the next, whatever happens to tickle my fancy at the moment. I don't have books as much as I have page protectors full of pages. And boxes full of pages. And pages just kinda laying around. As I've started to look in the nooks and crannies of my house I have found HUNDREDS of pages. I've found pages in cabinets. I've found pages in drawers. I've found pages in places that I had to get down on my knees and fish out.

So in my search for pages about the life of my Senior, I've started to put together the progression of my scrapbooking obsession. What started with a kit that I bought at the Wal-Mart almost ten years ago, has yielded a bumper crop of artistic expression! Those first pages lovingly created at the kitchen table with a pair of scalloped edged scissors, a glue stick and some printed paper frames have given way to hobby with it's own room in my home. Now I own more pairs of scissors than I do pairs of pants. I know the difference between a Cricut and a Slice, and I can spot a new scrapbooker from across the crop room. I love this stuff, and I love the people in all those pictures on all of those pages.

It's going to take me a long time to sort through all those memories. Some of the pages are better than others, some are downright funny to me now. I'm not going to go back and re-do them. I can't change those pages anymore than I can go back and change my Seniors childhood. I love all those pages, I love this hobby and I love my Senior.

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About Me

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I am wife to Mark and mother to three teenage children. That puts me right in the middle of a teenage wasteland. Someone help me now!